sábado, 16 de dezembro de 2023



This tutorial is from Manyi who I thank for letting me translate her tutorials.


Original - Aqui




Gmic Plugins-X86,3,2,0 - download
VM Distortion-Tilomat 
AA Filters-Custom
Alien Skin-Eyecandy 5: Impact-Glass


Click HERE to learn more about how the GMIC plugin works



01. Colors used in the original tutorial:
Foreground: #830f00
Background: #ff482a
02. Open a new transparent image measuring 800 x 500px
Paint with the foreground color
03. Effects / Texture Effects / blinds
N.T.: Pay attention to this effect: depending on the color you choose for the foreground, it does not appear

04. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 /VM Distortion / Tilomat 2000

05. Activate the Selection Tool:
Selection type=rectangle / Mode=add(shift)/ Feather=0

Select as shown in the print

06. Copy (it will remain in memory)
07. Select none
08. Paste as new layer
No need to move
09. Effects / Plugins / GMIC -GMIC-QT / Testing / Lylejk / Lylejk Ripple

10. Effects / edge Effects / Enhance
11. Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Lights & Shadows / Drop shadows 3D
save the image in the gmic folder

12. Open the shadow image in the gmic folder
Activate raster layer 1
Stick the shadow / Do not move
13. Activate the top layer
Merge Down
14. Stay on the top layer
Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Testing / Joan Rake / Deformations / Kaleidoscope Layer Cake

15. Select the central circle with the Selection tool

Press delete on the keyboard
16. Select none
17. Selections / select All
18. Selections / float / Selections / defloat

19. Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: impact / Glass

20. Select none
21. Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Lights & Shadows / Drop shadows 3D
Save the image in the gmic folder

22.Activate the Raster 1 layer
Open the shadow image saved in the gmic folder
Copy and paste as new layer
23. Activate the top layer
Merge Down
24. Still on the top layer
Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Testing / Joan Rake / Deformations / Kaleidoscope Layer Cake

25. Activate the Raster layer
Copy the landscape and paste as a new layer
Adjust the image by positioning it according to the model
26. Copy the text and paste as a new layer
Position on the right side according to the model
27. The layers will look like this:

28. Merge all
29. Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Frames / Frame (painting)
Save the image in the gmic folder

30. Open the saved image and close the previous one
Effects / Plugins / GMIC / GMIC-QT / Frames / Frame (painting)
Save the image in the gmic folder

31. Open the image and frame and close the previous image
32. Copy the frame and paste it into the image as a new layer
33. Activate the frame layer
Effects / Plugins / GMIC/GMIC-QT / testing / Samj/ Various / Test F

34. Layers / New Raster Layer
35. Layers / arrange / Send to bottom
Paint with one of the colors
36. Activate the top layer
Copy the tube character and paste as a new layer
37. Position on the left side
38. Drop shadow of your choice
39. Merge All
40. Effects / Plugins / GMIC/GMIC-QT / Frames / Frame (painting)
save the image in the gmic folder

41. (opcional)Effects / Plugins / AAA Filters / Custom/ Landscape

42. Image / Resize: 900 x 604px - all layers checked (optional)

43. Put your signature and save as jpeg

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