quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2024






This tutorial is from Tshaka to whom I thank you for letting me translate your tutorials.

Original here



Simple - Left Right Wrap
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Brushed Metal
&<Bkg Designer sf10 IV> - Grid (imported in FU 2.0)
MuRa's Meister - Perspective Tiling

You can find these plugins on the websites of:




> Open the material / duplicate (Shift+D) / Close the Originals
> Change the layers blend mode to match your colors.
> In the antique versions of PSP the horizontal mirror = mirror / vertical mirror = flip / pick tool = deformation
> Open Mask in PSP and minimize
> Put the texture [corel_15-029 (striation)] in the texture folder (it is a texture that comes in PSP, look for the name striation)
> Put the selections in the PSP Selections folder
> You will need a main tube and a decorative tube
> Original Colors: Foreground: #FFFFFF / Background: #5D252E

Open a new image with 900x550px with color #ffffff

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Vogue1-TSHA]

Paint with the color of the background

Effects / Texture Effects / Texture-[Corel_15-029-Striation]
{38 0 2 0 30 BR 113 50 34}

Select none

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Left Right Wrap

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling
{color bid 0 0 50 100}

Add new Layer
White color

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask [Cas-Mask-0417-04}
Merge Group

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Left Right Wrap

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Merge visible

Add New Layer

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Vogue2-TSHA]

Paint the selection with white color

Selections / Modify / Contract = 5

Paint the selection with the color of the background

Selections / Modify / Contract = 5

Paint the selection with white color

Selections / Modify / Contract = 10

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Brushed Metal - Preset [Circular Gold - Default] - Color: #F2C687
{circular - 45 - Metal Color (#F2C687) - 59 51 28.44 -1

Select none

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - with marked horizontal
{Hor 0 0 50 100}

Drop Shadow: 0 0 85 20 Black

Add Nova Layer

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Vogue3-TSHA]

Paint the selection with the color of the background

Selections / Modify / Contract = 5

Paint the selection with white color

Selections / Modify / Contract: 10

Paint the selection with the color of the background

Effects / Texture Effects / Texture - equal to the previous

Select none

Layers / arrange / move down

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Resize: 80% - All Layers Unmarked

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Left Right Wrap

Selections / Select All

Image / add borders / 20px / background color

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Select none

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur: 15

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay

Layers / Duplicate

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Normal

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / plugins / unlimited 2 / bkg designers SF10 IV - Grid
{30 0 0 0 255 255 255 0}

Merge Down

Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Perspective Tiling
{80 0 0 14 0 0 100 255}

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Vogue4-Tsha}

Press Delete on the keyboard

Select none

Drop Shadow: 0 0 85 20 Black

Image / add borders / 1px / black
Image / add borders / 10px / white
Image / add borders / 2px / background color
Image / add borders / 30px / white

Copy and paste it as new Layer [VogueText-TSHA]

Effects / Image Effects / Offset [-185/52]

Copy and paste as new layer the tube character

Position how to desire

Drop Shadow of your choice

Copy and paste as New Layer the decorative tube

Position how to desire

Drop Shadow of your choice

Add Nova Layer

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Vogue5-TSHA]

Paint the selection with the color of the background

Selections / Modify / Contract = 1

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Brushed Metal - Equal to the previous

Select none

Image / add borders / 1px / background color

Put the signatures
Merge All

Save as JPEG


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