domingo, 1 de setembro de 2024






This tutorial is by Esmakole, whom I thank for letting me translate his tutorials.

Original here



Filter AP [Lines] Silverlinning
Filter Graphics Plus
Filter It@lian Editors Effect
Filter MuRa's Meister
Filter Toadies
Filter Unlimited 2.0. - Special Effects 1

You can find these plugins on the websites of:





> Place the mask [20-20] in the Masks folder of the PSp and open the other masks in the psp and minimize
> Place the selections in the Selections folder of the psp
> Open your material / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the originals
> Change the blending mode of the layers to match their colors.
> Original colors: Foreground: 82b7c2 / Background: #white

Open a new 900x600px transparent image
Paint this image white

Add new layer
Selections / Select all

Copy and paste into the selection [plaatje-les336]
Do not select any

Effects / Plug-ins / Effects from Italian editors / Effetto Fantasma
{41 41}

Merge all
Effects / Edge effects / Enhance more

Image / Add borders / Symmetric OFF / foreground color
{50 15 15 50}

Effects / Image effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Image / Resize: 900x600Px - lock aspect ratio unchecked

Layers / Promote background layer
Layers / Duplicate

Image / Free rotation [left/90]

Image / Resize: 70% - all layers unchecked
Activate a background layer

Selections / Select all
Activate a top layer

Image / Crop to selection

Effects / Plug-ins / unlimited 2 / Special effects 1 Venetian Blinds (horizontal)
{57 66}

Effects / plug-ins / Toadies / Rasterline
{243 255 244 6 211}

Drop Shadow: 4 4 35 15 black
Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Vertical mirror
Merge down

Layers / Properties / opacity=65%

Layers / Load mask from disk / Mask [20-20]

Merge group

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Free Rotate - same as above

Effects / Image effects / offset [200/0/trans]

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Screen / Opacity=65%
Add new layer

Set this layer to the foreground color

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image / Mask [NarahsMasks_1828]

Blend group
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Multiply

Prepare this Linear gradient
{90 5 x}

Add new layer

Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [Leny-les336a(1)]

Paint the selection with the gradient

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur=10

Select none

Effects / Plug-ins / AP[Lines] / SilverLining
{line options: Vertical 30 -1 10 000}

Effects / Plug-ins / Mura's Meister - Perspective Tiling
{80 0 0 12 0 0 100 255}

Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [Leny-les336b]

Press Delete on the keyboard
Select none

Effects / Plug-ins / Graphic Plus / Cross shadow
{50 155 50 50 50 50 45 128}

Layers / Properties / Blending mode: Soft light
Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Vertical mirror
Activate Raster layer 2 (layer logo below)

Layers / Duplicate
Activate top layer

Add new layer
Paint this layer white

Layers / New Mask layer / From Image / Mask [NarahsMasks_1798]

Merge group
Effects / Edge effects / Enhance more

Copy and paste as new layer [Leny-deco]

Effects / Image effects / Offset [350/0/trans]

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Horizontal mirror

Copy and paste the tube [Leny-deco2] as a new layer
No need to move

Copy and paste the tube [Leny-vrouw1519a] as a new layer
Position the tube slightly downwards and to the right. See the model

Copy and paste as a new layer: [Leny-tekst]
Position it to the right as shown

Merge all

Image / Add borders / 2px / foreground color
Image / Add borders / 35px / white
Image / Add borders / 1px / foreground color
Image / Add borders / 6px / white
Image / Add borders / 1px / foreground color
Image / Add borders / 6px / white
Image / Add borders / 1px / foreground color

Selections / Select all

Image / Add borders / 35px / white

Drop shadow: 0 0 80 20 - foreground color
Select none

Image / Add borders / 1px / foreground color

Copy and paste as new layer: [Leny-deco3]

Add signatures
Merge all
Image / Resize: width=900px
Save as jpeg


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