quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2024






This tutorial is Star Design to whom I thank you for letting me translate your tutorials.

Original here



Simple left right write
 Unlimited_ Mur’as Seamless/ Mirror Diagonal
Mur’as Meister/ Perspective Tiling

You can find these plugins on the websites of:




> Open the material / duplicate (Shift+D) / Close the Originals
> Change the layers blend mode to match your colors.
> In the antique versions of PSP the horizontal mirror = mirror / vertical mirror = flip / pick tool = deformation
> Put the selection in the PSP Selections folder
> Open the masks and minimize

Open a new transparent image with 900x600px

Copy and paste as New Layer the Tube character [AigenbyCaz36]
N.A.: If you choose another tube, use large size image, if not, you should resize.

Layers / Duplicate

Activate the original tube layer - Raster 2

Effects / Plugins / Simple Left Wrap

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - Preset [Stutter Diagonal]

Image / Resize: 70% - All Layers unmarked

Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur
{spin 50 des 0 0 25}

Activate the top layer

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - Default

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur = 30

Activate the layer below - Raster 2

Layers / arrange / bring to top

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Free Rotate [Left / 90]

Merge Down

Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Mura's Seamless / Mirror Diagonal

Merge All

Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Mura's Seamless / Mirror Diagonal - equal to the previous
N.A.: There may be result variations depending on the chosen image
N.T.: If you have chosen another image, you can use the image used by the author only at this stage, so that there is no changes in the effect.

Layers / Promote Background Layer

Edit / cut (this option will cut the image and leave it in memory)

Activate the Selection Tool (Selection Type = Rectangle) / Custom Selection and configure:
{500 0 900 600}

Paste the image that is in memory, in the selection

Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Perspective Tiling - Default
{80 0 0 100 0 0 100 255}

Selections / Invert

Add Nova Layer

Paste in the selection the image that is in memory

Select none

Effects / Distortion Effects / Warp
{0 0 50 100}

Add New Layer

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [SEL1_Circle__24_Tsha]

Copy and paste in the selection the landscape [misae.misted.ai.52]

If the image gets a little off put blend mode = hard light

Add New Layer

Selections / Modify / Select selection borders
{Outside 2 x}

Paint with the color of the bottom of your image or the color of the background

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Select none
The layers will be like this:

Activate Layer Raster 2

Open the image [EAF62F2CECF09018C_Pinterest]

Image / Free Rotate [Left / 90] - All Layers Marked

Copy the image and return to your work image

Add Nova Layer

Selections / Select All

Paste in the selection the image that is in memory

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Soft Light or another option that matches your image

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [SEL1_Circle__24_Tella]

Press Delete on the keyboard

Select none

Activate the top layer

Copy and paste  like New Layer to Mask [td_tagmask046]

Activate Pick Tool and configure: x = 55 / y = 255

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Screen

Copy and paste like new layer to mask [silvie_mask_deco99z]

Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror

Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Position on the left according to the model

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Screen

Copy and paste like New Layer the tube character [AigenbyCaz36]

Image / Resize: 70% - All Layers unmarked

Position left according to the model

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Drop Shadow: 0 0 60 20 Black

Copy and paste it like a new layer [circle_removebg]

Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Image / Resize: 70% - All Layers Unmarked

Position in the upper right corner according to the model

Copy and Paste as new layer [mariposa_rb_1_5_24]

Image / Resize: 2 times - 40% and 80% - All Layers unmarked

Position at the top right. See the model

Drop Shadow: 0 0 60 20 Black

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Resize: 50% - All Layers unmarked
Position according to the model or how

The layers will be like this:

Merge All

Image / add borders / 2px / #fddd94 (or another color of the bottom of the image)

Copie (edit/copy) - will be in memory

Image / add borders / 40px / any color

Select this 40px edge with Magic Wand (Tolerance/Feather = 0)

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Paste in the selection the image that is in memory

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur = 30

Keep the selection

Add New Layer

Copy and paste in the selection A Mask [Narahsmaks-1812]

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay (or another that matches your image)

Layers / Duplicate

Keep the selection

Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror

Select none

Copy and paste like new Layer [Brokenheartbrushes-BBL07-8]

Image / Resize: 75% - All Layers unmarked

Position in the lower left corner according to the model

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Multiply

Image / add borders / 2px / #fddd94 or another of your choice

Put the signatures
Merge All

Save as JPEG


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