segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2024






This tutorial is by Lady Valella to whom I thank you for letting me translate your tutorials.

Original here



Penta com
Mura's meister

You can find these plugins on the websites of:





> Open the material / duplicate (Shift+D) / Close the Originals
> Change the layers blend mode to match your colors.
> In the antique versions of PSP the horizontal mirror = mirror / vertical mirror = flip / pick tool = deformation
> Open Mask in PSP and minimize

Open a new transparent image with 1000x600px
Selections / Select All

Copy and paste in the [Wallpaper-Kupu-Kupa-Kupa-Animasi] selection
Select none

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur = 35

Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotating Mirror - Default

Layers / Duplicate
Close the duplicate layer (click on the eye)

Activate the layer below Raster 1

Effects / plugins / / color dot
{110 15 255 255 255}

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles
{150-300 250 Crossed}

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Perspective Tiling
{80 0 0 30 0 0 100 255}

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror
Merge Down

Drop Shadow: 0 0 100 50 Black

Open and activate the closed layer (it must be at the top)
Image / Resize: 60% - All Layers unmarked

Effects / Detortion Effects / Warp
{100 0 70 27}

Activate Pick Tool and configure: x = 385 / y = 33

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Merge Down

Selections / Select All
Selections / Float

Selections / Modify / Contract = 30

Press Delete on the keyboard
Selections / Select All

Selections / Float

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur = 7

Select none

Drop Shadow equal to the previous

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Resize: 80% - All Layers Unmarked

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Screen

Layers / arrange / move down

Activate the Layer Copy of Raster 1
{image layers}

Add New Layer
Paint this layer with white color

Layers / New Mask layer / From Image / Mask [maschtext09_LValella20]

Merge Group
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Soft Light
Layers / Duplicate

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Dodge / Opacity = 42

Activate the top layer
Copy and paste it like a new layer [decor2] - don't move

Activate Layer Raster 1
Copie and paste as Nova Layer [2064 -MP (a> i>@lvalella24]

Layers / Properties / Opacity = 75%
Activate the top layers

Copy and paste it as Nova Layer [Titlebianco] (Choose according to your colors)
Position on the right

Drop Shadow: 1 1 100 2 Black

Copy and paste as New Layer [2309-TD (a.i.@lvalella24)]]
Image / Mirror / Horizontal Mirror

Position on the left
Drop Shadow: 0 0 80 25 Black

Copy and paste it like New Layer [Fiori]
Position according to the model

Drop Shadow equal to the previous
Layers / arrange / move down

Image / add borders / 2px / white
Layers / Duplicate

Image / resize: 90% all layers unmarked
Drop Shadow: 0 0 100 25 Black

Activate the background layer

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur = 15

Effects / plugins / / color dot equal to the previous

Selections / Select All
Image / add borders / 2px / white

Effects / 3D Effects / Coutout
{0 0 100 30 Black Des}

Repeat Coutout
Select none
Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Put the signatures
Image / resize: width = 1000px
Merge all

Save as JPEG


Obrigada Kika

Obrigada Daela

Obrigada Irene

Obrigada Lady Tess

Obrigada Lidia


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