sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2024






This tutorial is by Manyi to whom I thank you for letting me translate your tutorials.

Original here



 Gmic Plugins-X86-version 3.2.0.
Alien Skin-Eyecandy 5: Impact-Glass

You can find these plugins on the websites of:




> Open the material / duplicate (Shift+D) / Close the Originals
> Change the layers blend mode to match your colors.
> In the antique versions of PSP the horizontal mirror = mirror / vertical mirror = flip / pick tool = deformation
> Put the selections in the PSP Selections folder
> Original colors:

> Open a folder to store the GMIC images and name it as Gmic-Alex

Open a new transparent image with 800x500px

Selections / Seelct all

Copy and paste in the selection [Virág]

Select none

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling
{color bid 0 0 50 50}

Layers / Duplicate

Activate Pick Tool

Drag the image down to the height of the 50px height, then drag the image up to the height of 100px. See Print

Effects / Detortion Effects / Curlicues
{5 5 x 80 8 80 de}

Effects / plugins / gmic_qt / deformations / circle transform
{50 50 82 50 -3.33 -3.33 Inside linear mirror x -preview}

Close the lower layer by clicking on the eye

Activate the top layer and using the Freehand Selection Select the pendant in the image and press delete on the keyboard

Select none

Drop Shadow: -1 -1 80 1 Black

Activate the lower layer and open by clicking on the eye

Effects / Plugins / Gmic Qt / Testing / Samj / Various / Test F

Activate the top layer

Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Vertical Mirror

Merge Down

Add a new layer

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Alexa1 Selections]

Copy and paste in the selection [Virág]

Selections / Load Selection From Disk / Selection [Alex2 Selections]

Copy and paste in the national team [Virág] again

Select none

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass
{22.00 60.00 0 Blue Inside 0 40 0 ​​25 16 30.00 0}

Merge Visible

Effects / Plugins / Gmic Qt / Frames / Frame Painting - Color #4788DF

Return to PSP

Save the image to the gmic-allex and numere folder (optional numerar)

Delete the previous image you were working (or minimize to delete later)

Open the new image save in the gmic-allex folder and continue to work on it

Selections / Select All

Image / add borders / 40px / color #4788df

Selections / Invert

Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow
{Everything 50}

Selections / Invert

Drop Shadow: 0 0 50 30 #01264F

Select none

Copy and paste as New Layer the main tube [lanykám]

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Activate Pick Tool and configure: x = 520 / y = 22

Drop Shadow: 0 0 50 30 Black

Copy and paste like New Layer, the text [Alexa]

Position according to the model or how

If you want, write another name, with a source and configuration of your choice

Drop Shadow: 1 1 80 1 Dark Blue

Copy and paste like New Layer [Sarok Díszem] - Don't Move

Merge All

Effects / Plugins / Gmic Qt / Frame / Frame (Painting) - Color #4788DF

Return to PSP and save the image in the Gmic-Alexa folder

Delete the image you were working on or minimize to delete afterwards

Open the new image save in the Gmic-Alexa folder

Image / resize: 900 x 614px

Put the signatures

Merge All

Save as JPEG


Obrigada Irene

Obrigada Meluzyne

Obrigada Vanpires


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