sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024






This tutorial is by Lady Valella, whom I thank for letting me translate her tutorials.

Original here



Carolaine and sensibility > CS-LDots
Muras's Meister > perspective tiling
AlienSkinEyecandy5 Impact > Glass

You can find these plugins on the websites of:




> Save the selections in the PSP's Selections folder
> Original colors:

> Open the mask on the psp and minimize
> Open the material / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the originals

Open a new 900x600px transparent image
Place color #7b3035 in the foreground and color #bd9b80 in the background
Prepare a Linear gradient
{0 1 des}

Paint the image with this gradient

Add a new layer
Set the background to white
Prepare a radial gradient
{0 999 des 50 50}

Paint the layer
Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Overlay or another that matches your colors

Add a new layer
Paint it white
Layers / New mask Layer / From Image / Mask [MaschText015_LValella20]

Merge Group
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Add a new layer
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [LV.SelTut21]

Paint the selection white
Select none
Drop Shadow: 3 3 64 20 black
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Effects / Geometric Effects / Skew
{horizontal - 35 - transparent }

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Add a new layer
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [LV.SelTut21]

Drop Shadow same as above, but with color #800000
Select none
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Layers / Duplicate
Merge Down
Objects / Align / Right
Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal (Mirror)
Merge Down
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance more
Merge visible

Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [LV.SelTut21]

Selections / Promote selection to layer
Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur=6

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS_LDots
{118 4 1}

Select none
Objects / Align / Vert. Center in Canvas
Drop Shadow: 0 0 64 30 black

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal
The image will look like this:

Merge Down
Effects / Plugins / Flaming Pear / Flexify2
{0 0 0 110 33 58 equirectangular hyperbolic}

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Multiply
Merge visible

Layers / Duplicate
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur=3

Effects / Plugins / Mura's meister / Perspective Tiling
{80 0 0 15 0 0 100 255}

Drop Shadow same as above

Copy the tube [LValellaTO2023-1148B] and paste it as a new layer
Position to the left according to the template
Copy the [Rose_LV24] tube and paste it as a new layer
Position on the right according to the template
Copy and paste [Perle] as a new layer
Position according to the template

Copy and paste as a new layer [2170-TD(LValella24]
Position yourself to the left. See the model
Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 3.1 / Perspective Shadow
{332 40 34 50 10 black 100%}

N.T. I don't have the Eye Candy 3.1 plugin, so I applied a drop shadow

Activate the background layer
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [LV.SelTut21-2]

Selections / Promote selection to layer
Do not select
Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass - Preset [Clear]

Layers / Duplicate
Image / Mirror / Horizontal mirror

Image / Add borders / 5px / #7e0105
Image / Add borders / 1px / #ffffff
Image / Add borders / 5px / #7e0105
Copy and paste as new layer [TitoloSabrina]
Position yourself to the right. See the template
Selections / Select all
Image / Add borders / 30px / #ffffff
Drop shadow: 0 0 70 25 black
Select none
Image / Add borders / 5px / #7e0105
Place signatures
Merge all
Save as jpeg


Obrigada Daela

Obrigada Flávia



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