quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2024






This tutorial is by Mabel, whom I thank for letting me translate her tutorials

Original aqui



Unlimited / Bkg Kaleidoscope
Caroline and Sensibility
Mura's Meister
AAA Frame

You can find these plugins on the websites of:



1. Open a new transparent image with 900x700px.
2. Set a silver gradient in the foreground (your choice).
3. Set the color #e0cdc2 in the background.

4. Set a linear gradient.

5. Paint the image with this gradient.
6. Selections / Select all.
7. Copy the tube [2013-06-08_Bailarines_La_Bruji] and paste it into the selection.
8. Select none.
9. Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default.

10. Adjust / blur / Gaussian Blur=25.

11.Adjust / Brightness and Contrast / Brightness/Contrast.

12. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Blintz.

13.Effects/edge Effects/Enhance.
14. Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / BKG Kaleidoscope / 4QFlip UpperL - default.


15. Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS_HLines.

16. Repeat CS_HLines.
17. Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Hard Light.
18. Effects / Reflection Effects / Kaleisdocope.


19. Add new layer.
20. Layers / Arrange / Move down.
21. Paint with the background color.
22. Activate the top layer

22.b Merge down.

23. Copy the tube [FORMA001-mabel] and paste it as a new layer.
24. Effects / Image Effects / offset [0/-85].


25. Copy the tube [FORMA PISO-mabel] and paste it as a new layer.
26. Effects / Plugins / Mura's meister / Perspective Tiling.


27. Copy the tube [FORMA002-mabel] and paste it as a new layer.
28. Activate the pick Tool and set: X-1 / Y=1.

29. Layers / Duplicate.
30. Image / Mirror / Mirror horizontal.
31. Merge down.
32. Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Luminance (L).
33. Copy the tube [2013-06-08_Bailarines_La_Bruji] and paste it as a new layer.
34. Position according to the model.
35. Layers / Duplicate.
36. Effects / Distortion Effects / Wind.

37. Repeat the Wind effect.
38. Layers / Arrange / Move down.
39. Drop Shadow: 10 10 80 30 color #6a4f40.
40. Copy the tube [Illuminated_TubedByGini_06-24-06] and paste as a new layer.
41. Position according to the model.
42. Drop shadow same as before.
42b. Activate the top layer.
43. Copy the text [Text] and paste as a new layer.
44. Drop Shadow: 1 1 70 1 black.
45. Image / Add borders / 2px / background color.
46. ​​Image / Add borders / 40px / black.
47. Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame.

48. Repeat Photo Frame.
49. Image / Add borders / 2px / background color.
50. Place signatures.
51. Merge All.
52. Save as jpeg.


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