quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024






This tutorial is from Tshaka who I thank for letting me translate her tutorials.

Original here




AAA Frames - Texture Frame
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact - Glass/ Perspektive Shadow
Carolaine and Sensibility - CS-Reflection/ CS-Linear-HS

You can find these plugins on the websites of:



Step 1
Place selections in the PSP's Selections folder
Open the mask and minimize
Original colors
Open the material on psp
Choose two not too light colors for the foreground and background

Step 2
Prepare a Linear Gradient

Open a new transparent image measuring 900 x 550px
Paint the image with the gradient
Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Texture Frame


Step 3
Image / Resize: 50% - all layers unchecked
Drop shadow: 50 50 100 0 black -SHADOW ON NEW LAYER MARKED

Stay on the shadow layer
Drop shadow: 25 25 100 0 white - SHADOW ON NEW LAYER UNCHECKED

Step 4
Activate the top layer
Drop Shadow: 0 0 85 25 black
Merge Visible
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Add new layer

Step 5
Paint with white color
Layers / New mask Layer / From Image / Mask [CIRCLE 3]

Merge Group
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless tiling - Default

Step 6
Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Overlay
Add new layer
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [Noelia1-Tsha]

Color the selection with white color
Selections / Modify / Contact=5

Step 7
Press Delete on the keyboard
Selections / modify / Contract=10

Add new layer
Color the selection with white color
Select none

Step 8
Effects / Plugins / eye Candy 5: Glass / Preset [Clear]

Activate the second layer from the top layer - Raster 1
Drop shadow: 0 0 85 25 black
Activate the bottom layer
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [Noelia2-Tsha]

Step 9
Selections / Promote selection to layer
Select none
Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / Preset [Clear]

Drop shadow same as above
Merge visible

Step 10
Copy the tube [Deco-Noelia_Tsha] and paste it as a new layer
Effects / Image Effects / Offset= 575/0/wrap

Add new layer
Activate the Selection Tool / Selection type=Circle and configure it as shown in the print

Step 11
Click anywhere on the tag with the left mouse button
Note: The location is not important as the circle will be moved later
Color the selection with white color

Selections / Modify / Contract=5

Press Delete on the keyboard

Step 12
Selections / Modify / Contract=10

Paint the selection with the foreground color
Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS_Reflection - Default

Adjust / Add/Remove Noise / Add Noise

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / Preset [Clear]

Step 13
Select none
Position the circle over the wavy lines according to the model
Activate the Selection Tool / Selection Type=circle and change the size to 40 as shown in the print

Add new layer
Click on the tag with the left mouse button

Step 14
Color the selection with the background color
Effects / Texture Effects / blinds

Image / Free Rotate / left/15

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: impact / Glass / Preset [Clear]

Step 15
Position the circle over the wavy lines according to the model
Select none
Activate the Selection Tool / Selection Type=circle/Size 50 as shown in the print

Add new layer
click on the tag with the left mouse button

Step 16
Color the selection with white color
Selections / Modify / Contract=2

Color the selection with the background color
Selections / Modify / Contract=2

Color the selection with the fore color

Step 17
Adjust / Add/Remove Noise / Add Noise

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS_Linear_HS
Note: This effect may vary

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / Preset [Clear]

Select none
Position the circle over the wavy lines according to the model

Step 18
Merge down - Apply 2 times
Drop Shadow: same as above
Image / Add borders / 2px / black
Image / Add borders / 5px / white
Image / Add borders / 2px / black
Image / Add borders / 10px / white

Step 19
Selections / Select all
Image / Add borders / 20px / foreground color
Adjust / Add/Remove Noise / Add Noise - same as above

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine and sensibility / CS_Reflection - default

Step 20
Selections / Promote selection to layer
Select none
Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel

Image / Add borders / 25px / white
Copy the tube character and paste as a new layer

Step 21
Resize if necessary
Position according to the model or as you prefer
Effects / Plugins / eye Candy 5: Impact / Perspective Shadow / Preset [Drop shadow, Blurry]

If you wish, you can write text on your image
Image / Add borders / 1px / black

Step 22
Put signatures
Merge All
Save as jpeg


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