sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2024






This tutorial is from Mabel someone I thank for letting me translate their tutorials.

Original aqui




You can find these plugins on the websites of:





Step 1
Open the mask on psp and minimize
Open a new transparent image measuring 900x70´px
Original colors:

Foreground: color 1
Background: color 2
3rd color: color 3
Prepare a Linear gradient

Step 2
Paint the image with this gradient
Effects / plugins / Carolaine and Sensibility / CS_BRectangles

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance More
Effects / Plugins / AP [Innovation] / Lines-silverlining

Copy (edit/copy)
Paste as new image and minimize for later use

Step 3
Copy the tube [Deco11] and paste it as a new layer
Activate the Pick Tool and drag the left and right sides to the edge as shown in the screenshot

Effects / Image Effects / Offset=0/-270

Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotating Mirror - default

Copy the tube mixed landscape and paste as a new layer

Step 4
Effects / Image Effects / offset=0/80 (according to your images)

Add new layer
Paint with the foreground color
Layers / New mask Layer / From Image / Mask [misae-mask-30]

Merge Group

Step 5
Effects / Plugins / unlimited 2 / ScreenWorks / Hollow Dot

Layers / Properties / blend mode: Multiply
Layers / Arrange / Move down - Apply 2 times (must be above Raster layer 1)
Effects / User Defined Filter / Emboss 3

Step 6
Image / Add borders / 3px / color 3
Image / Add borders / 40px / white
Select this 40px border with the Magic Wand(tolerance/feather=0)
Activate the minimized image and copy
Paste into selection

Step 7
Effects / Plugins / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror
Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel

Image / Add borders / 3px / color 3
Select none
Copy the tube character and paste as a new layer

Step 8
Resize if necessary
Drop Shadow of your choice
Position according to the model
Copy the text [Image1] and paste as a new layer
Position as you prefer
N.T.: because of the colors I used, apply a Drop shadow: 1 1 80 1 black

Step 9
Put your signature
Merge all
Save as jpeg

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