quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024






This tutorial is by Silvana Gomes, who I thank for letting me translate her tutorials.
Original here



Italian Editors Effect / Effeto Fantasma
I.C.NET Software / Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Tile & Mirror
Unlimited 2.0 / Paper Textures
Simple / Top Left Mirror

You can find these plugins on the websites of:


Step 1
Place the selection in the Selection folder on the psp
Choose two colors for your tubes: a dark one for the foreground and a light one for the background
Prepare a Linear gradient

Open a new transparent image measuring 900x700px
Paint the image with the gradient

Step 2
Effects / Geometric Effects / Vertical Perspective

Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical
Merge down
Effects / Plugins / Italian Editors Effects / Effetto Fantasma

Step 3
Add new layer
Paint with the gradient
Selections / Select all
Copy the tube character and paste it into the selection
Select none

Step 4
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - default

Adjust/blur/Radial Blur

Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Tile & Mirror / Radial Mirror

Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay
Merge down

Step 5
Effects / Gometric Effects / Horizontal perspective

Effects / Geometric Effects / Perspective Horizontal same as above

Effects / Reflection Effects / rotating mirror - default

Add new layer

Step 6
Selections / Load selection from disk / Selection [angelagmn-05]

Color the selection with the light color
Effects / 3D Effects / Inner Bevel

Drop Shadow: 0 0 60 35 black
Select none

Step 7
Enable Script: View /Toolbars / Script
Click on the arrow as shown in the print
Find and select the [centerLayer] script

Image / Free Rotate [Right/90]

Step 8
Merge down
Image/Resize: 20% - all layers unchecked
Activate the pick Tool and configure: X=3 / Y=23

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Top Left Mirror
Copy the tube character and paste as a new layer

Step 9
Make adjustments: Resize/ Drop Shadow/ Position
Image / Add Borders / 3px / light color
Image / Add Borders / 3px / dark color
Image / Add Borders / 30px / light color
Select this 30px border with the magic Wand (tolerance/feather=0)

Step 10
Prepare a Linear gradient

Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / Paper textures / Filter Paper

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
Drop shadow: 0 0 60 35 black

Step 11
Select none
Image / Add Borders / 3px / light color
Image / Add Borders / 3px / dark color

Step 12
Put signatures
Merge all
Save as jpeg

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