segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2024







This tutorial is from Aracelli, who I thank for letting me translate his tutorials
Original here




VM Natural



Open a new transparent image measuring 1000 x 600px
Selections / Select All
There are 5 images in the material, choose one of them and copy it
Paste the image into the selection
Select none
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling - preset [side by side]

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur=17

Effects / Texture Effects / Fine Leather

Layers / Properties / blend Mode: soft Light or other of your choice
Add new layer
Paint a dark color from your work
Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2 / VM Natural / Legoland

Effects / Geometric Effects / Circle / Transparent

Image/Resize: 80% - all layers unchecked
Drop shadow: 2 2 30 60 black
Repeat Drop Shadow with negative V and H
Image/Resiz: 80% - all layers unchecked
Merge Down - 2 times
Effects/Plugins/VM Natural/Speed

Open the tube [Callitubes215-decor] / Activate the Raster 1 layer / Copy and paste as new layer
Position on the right side according to the model
Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Difference or other
Activate the pick tool and configure: X=771 / Y=53

Add new layer
Paint with dark color
Layers / New mask layer / From Image / Mask [NarahsMask1804]

Merge Group
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Multiply or other
Layers / Properties / blend Mode: Difference or other
Edit / Copy Special / Copy Merged (we will use it later)
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 2px / dark color
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 2px / a light color
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 2px / dark color
Selections / Select All
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 50px / any color
Paste the image copied above into the selection
Keep selection
Effects / plugins / Unlimited 2 / VM natural / Speed

Select none
Layers / Properties / Blend Mode: Overlay or other
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 1px / black
Copy your tube character and paste it as a new layer
Position according to model
Drop Shadow at your discretion
Copy the text [key text] and paste as a new layer
Position as desired
Put your signature
Merge All
Save as jpeg

If you do my translation, I will be very happy if:
> You let me know if you find any errors
> Send a copy of your version to my email *
>If when sharing you mention that you used my translation, thus valuing my work


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