sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2024





This tutorial is from Bea who I thank for letting me translate her tutorials
Original here




Mehdi/Sorting Tiles
dsb flux
Eye Candy 4000
Graphics Plus



1. Colors used in the original version

Foreground: color 1
Background: color 2
2. Open the alpha[Alpha-Anja] file / Duplicate (shift+d) / Close the original
3. Prepare a Linear gradient

4.Paint the image with this gradient
5.Adjust/blur/Gaussian Blur:30

6. Adjust / Add/Remove Noise / Add Noise

7. Effects / plugins / Mehdi / sorting tiles

8.Effects/plugins/DSB Flx/Blast

Apply this plugin more 3 times changing the Direction, following this order:
a) Right

b) Upwards

c) Downwards

9. Add new layer
10. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection #1

11. Selections / Modify / Select selection borders

12. Color the selection with color 2
13. Effects / Plugins / DSB Flux / Bright Noise

14. Drop Shadow: 3 3 80 1 black
15. Drop shadow: (-3) 3 80 1 black
16. Select none
17. Activate the Raster 2 layer
18. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection #1

19. Selections/Modify/Contract: 30

20. Drop shadow: 0 0 100 50 color 3
21. Keep the selection
22. Copy the tube [MR_Pivoine rose] and paste it as a new layer
23. Image / Resize: 80% - all layers unchecked
24. Position as desired
25. selections / Invert
26. Press Delete on your keyboard
27. Selections / Invert
28. Effects / Photo Effects / Black and White Film

29. Layers/Properties/Opacity: 30%
30. Select none
31. Merge down
32. Layers/Duplicate
33. Effects / Image Effects / Offset: (6/500/transparent)

34. Layers/Duplicate
35. Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical
36. Effects / Image Effects / Offset ((-6) / 0/ transparent)

37. Add new layer
38. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection #2

39. Drop shadow: 0 0 100 50 color 3
40. Selections / Modify / Contract:30

41. Drop shadow: 0 0 100 50 color 3
42. Select none
43. Add new layer
44. Selections / Load selection from alpha channel / Selection #3

45. Color the selection with color 2
46. Effects / Plugins / DSB Flux / Brght Noise

47. Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 4000 / Glass - Default / Put color 2 in Glass Color

48. Drop shadow: 0 0 80 30 color 3
49. Select none
50. Add new layer
51. Selections / Load selection from Alpha channel / Selection #4

52. Color the selection with color 1
53. Effects / Plugins / DSB Flux / Bright Noise

54. Effects / Plugins / eye Candy 4000 / Glass - Default - Glass Color: color 2

55. Drop shadow: 0 0 80 30 color 3
56. Select none
57. Merge down
58. Layers/duplicate
59. Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical
60. Image / Add border without symmetric marked / 2px / color 1
61. Image / Add border without symmetric marked / 5px / color 2
62. Image / Add border without symmetric marked / 2px / color 1
63. Selections / Select all
64. Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 40px / color 2
65. Selections / Invert
66. Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow - default

67. Select none
68. Copy the tube [woman405_beas_tube] and paste it as a new layer
69. Image / Resize: 90% - all layers unchecked
70. Position according to the model or as you prefer
71. Copy the text [texto-anja] and paste it as a new layer
72. Drop Shadow: 1 1 100 1 black
73. Drop shadow: 0 0 80 30 color 3
74. Copy Bea's watermark and paste as a new layer/ Position as desired
75. image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 2px / color 1
76. Image / Resize: width: 1000px - all layers checked
77. Put your signature
78. Merge all
79. Save as jpeg

If you do my translation, I will be very happy if:
> You let me know if you find any errors
> Send a copy of your version to my email *
>If when sharing you mention that you used my translation, thus valuing my work



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