This tutorial is by Manyi, who I thank for permission to translate
The original tutorial was made on PSP 2020
The translation was done on the PSP X9
Tube: VM Tubes
Plugins used:
Graphic Plus /Cross shadow
Eye candy 5: Impact/Glass
> Save the selections in the PSP's Selections folder
> Save the mask in the Masks folder on the PSP
>All material was created by the author
Choose two colors: a dark color and a light color.
In the original tutorial these colors were used:
dark: #1e4768
Clara: #8eb5de
If you don't have the G'MIC-QT plugin, you can download it by clicking on the link above in the list of plugins
Click on the images to enlarge the size and improve the view. You can also copy the image and open it on PSP
1. Open image [alapkép] / Copy and paste as new image / close original image
2. Effects / Plugins / GMIC-QT / Arrays & Tiles / Array(faded)
N.T.: This plugin opens outside the PSP. Look at the icon on the Windows taskbar:
Note: After applying the plugin, a window may appear for you to save the effect. Open a folder and save
3. Effects / Plugins/ GMIC-QT / Testing / Joan Rake / Deformations / Kaleidoscope Layer Cake
4. Minimize this image, we will use it later
Open the [alapkép] image again
5. Image / Rotate right
6. Layers / Load/ save mask/ load mask from disk / Mask [ovale-mask]
7. Merge Group
8. Copy this image
Maximize working image
9. Selections / Load save selections / Load selection from disk / selection [annarita_selection]
10. Layers/New Raster Layer
Paste the image copied above into the selection. Paste twice
11. Keep the selection
Effects / Plugins / Eye candy 5: Impact / glass
12. Select none
13. Close the eye of the top layer
Activate the bottom layer
14. Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from disk / Selection [annarita1]
15. Selections / Promote selection to layer
16. Adjust / blur / Gaussian Blur=15
17. Select none
18. Continue on the layer
Effects / Plugins / GMIC-QT / Testing / Lylejk / Lylejk Ripple
20. Open the eyes on the top layer and activate
21. Activate the ruler: View / Rulers
Activate the Selection Tool (selection type=rectangle)
Select a small strip, the width of the image, starting at a height of 100px and ending at a height of 130 px. See the print.
22. Layers / New Raster Layer
Paint with the light color at the beginning of the tutorial or any other color you wish.
23. Select none
24. Effects / Distortion Effects / Wave
25. Continue on the layer
Effects / Plugins / GMIC-QT / Testing / Joan Rake / Deformations / Kaleidoscope Layer Cake
26. Select the design formed with the Magic Wand
27. Effects / Plugins / eye candy 5: Impact / glass - same as above
28. Select none
29. Drop shadow: 1 1 80 0 dark color from the beginning
30. Repeat Drop shadow with negative V and H
31. Merge All
32. Effects / Plugins / GMIC-QT / Frames / Frame (painting) - light color or any other color you want
Note: the plugin will ask to save to a folder. Save and remember the folder name to open this file on psp
33. Open the saved image
Selections / select All
Image / Add borders / symmetric marked / 40px / light color
34. Selections/Invert
35. Effects / plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross shadow.
36. Selections/Invert
37. Drop shadow: 3 3 50 30 black
38. Repeat Drop Shadow with negative V and H
39. Select none
40. Copy the tube character and paste it as a new layer
Position to the right, depending on the model
42. Drop shadow equal to that applied in items 37 and 38
43. Merge All
44. Effects / Plugins / GMIC -QT / Frames / Frame(painting)
Save again in the same folder as before
45. Open this file on psp
46. Copy the title [Annarita2] and paste as a new layer
position according to the model or as desired
47. Resize to 900 x 614 px
48. Put your signature
49. Merge All
50. Save as jpeg
Thank you for doing my translation
I would love to receive a copy of your version to put on my photo
Tutorial translated by Vera Mendes
Do not alter or repost without authorization from the author
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